Surfing Experience
Baja's Pacific Coast and the beaches at Poco Cielo offer a great opportunity to try the sport of surfing

Surfing Lessons At Poco Cielo Beach
$60. PP
$55 PP for Two or more

Your Instructor
Chama Isa is a Latin American Surf Legend and long time Baja Norte
Coastal Expert Water woman.
She is known for her warmth and patient
encouragement while you learn the basics and for sharing just the right tips
to improve your game if you are at the intermediate level.
You'll enjoy your experience with personalized service for individuals or small groups.
Equipment and wetsuits included.
Meet at Poco Cielo Hotel with steps down to the beautiful beach and showers on your way back up. Your friends can watch you from the Poco Cielo patio and root for you to catch every wave.
Contact us about setting up special Surfing Weekends or coastal guided surfing with Chama.
Call The Adventure in Baja Activities Desk To Set Up Your Surfing Experience
661-131-7007 PocoCieloReservations@gmail.com